Saturday, October 4, 2008

stuff and stuff and bluh!!!!!!!!

Jokes I Tell here,

Im addicted to this song please dont be so ADDIC! Its not a good factor of life to be ADDICED! Key word no sybols! SIMPLE lol haha! Eat cotton candy Oohhhh! Sweet like cake! Math is like pie! It's easy to eat like icecream cake! :P DELISH! Oh how it melts Mmm so sweet so gorgiously lovely and lonly its lonly cause its waiting to be eaten no prob BLAMO!                                                   
Jelious or now should i eat the PIE! Lovley Hmmmm, i should ''yes'' ; problem; Yes no prob ;problem; so pc run slow! DING DING DING Alert to much sweet on pc must comp eat chocklate chiped cookie lying there on key bord BOOOM!Explodion of goodness THAT WAS WAITED TO BE EATEN Ohhh :) well at least i got a pie in my frigde! :P my pyzam fridge LOL wahaha! In you face PIE! CREAMY LUSHES CREAMED UP MUSTARD BUGURED SMELLY FAT POOPED PIE How yummy hmm i desided im not that much of the DELIGHTED TASTER
I apptised it my self why know/..../ you have some? No no no! YOU Want it didin't you JK Lol anyway i just wanted to boost ur amuinstyem :P jk lo lo lo lo l l l l
ha! Now M-O-CHAIR Sorry for spelling in teh name YOU GET MY POINT Well...HE HEEHEHEHEHEHE Well u faked bloody marry on me :( waaah I stil got night mares that day I GOT A BAD MARK IN SPELLING hey im good at it. But after BLOODY MARRY BLOOPED MY MINE! I got a 0/100 jk 0/45 Badest mark IN HISTORY OF THE WORLD! I'm 11 and i'm a canadain AND NO! Not a amarican! Lol i was joking :P and grade 6's are soposse to GET 39's at least i sopposed my total was below sercuim standsis (sorry idk how to spell it) :P Well im good in spelling and all that stuff BUT AFTER THE BLOODY MARRY Frighting um not so well

Dear kamo

I cant no i wont you made me hate hwiianpride28 with your lies.Well you wont get away with it i'm giving ur secret away now! I'm sorry i know you care for me! But you've gone to far too, too far well here i go Kamo kid is well  he took some ones account its not rightfully his pretty much like stealing some ones account hwi (hwiianpride28) is  a good friend i didnt understand at all I COULDNT I never thought i'd hate him that was like impossble for me but it wasn't that right :( i did so we got into a well MEAN stupied CRAZY not well fight on mishmashes chat! And well i wonted to say if it wasn't for kamo kid who did these lies and black mails I WOULDNT BE HERE NOW! I wouldnt be trying to make hwi respond to me!  I cant believe you we once dated i regrat us being ever! Boyfriend and girlfriend it's horrible! I cant stand it anymore I DONT WANT YOU!!Dont  come to my chat or my site u took that account NO U TOOK IT FROM UR FRIENDS! Oh you cant buy member ship THAT HAS NO NO!!!!!!! RIGHT TO TAKE FROM SOME ONE ELES AS THE OWNER! I found this out while you guys were making a movie you needed to share pass cause hwi needed to work on ur account and then you said i cant give you the pass hwi said change it l&ter so he said oh um i problem its not my penguin so then hwi said who is it some eight year olds then some some some thin thin thin! Hwi said he didnt feel right with making a vid with some one who took *some ones penguin* It was horrble to hear this stuff i finally relised that kamo was the one

(sorry kamo i didnt wanna do this but i seem to be forced by my conisions for whats right! And whats not! Nor will we be friends not even will we talk! Only the last goodbyes! and the tears that may come to your eyes well this is a good bye BYE! Kamo)

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