WARNING: You may enter this blog anytime anywhere but...it's still under construction for a few day's if you like you may leave and come back! me and the admin's promise it will be this is not gonna be forever or any thing this is a slight or little warning you may be wanted to know cause you may not know whats going on.But we will always tell you
Thing's that are done in our constrution (sorry we told you late)
- First we are done...
- The new Template! awsome huh? we'd like you comment's for what you think!
- New side bar look (in still construction)
- Added more FUN FUN FUN!
- New admin's that are... FUN FUN FUN! here's the new admins (construction) Lady Maryann when acceptes invite
- Alspeed
- Greenoiscool
- Dozy12
- Me (Jokes I Tell
- Chky ( more to come)
- Blog roll in construction
- new pa ges with cool buttons to go to places on blog (page in constrution and button)
way more to come later on but i dont wanna go to far now i got to much work to think of and well that's a problem but...i can fix it dont worry!
P.S cya soon! and renember comments comments comments includes more more more fun fun fun!
Waddle away to great news!
Jokes I Tell~