Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fever is staying 150 edition, DS GAME and funiture coming

Hey guys dont you love the game cover, i so do great new's we now have to offical date of when it'll be coming... November 4th 08 (I am soo getting it) anyway now here's the next ishue

Hey guys now there is now a post finally for furniture i think the grey thingy is a stool (i think) the red maybe is a couch but if it is it look's like the one in the coffe shop (dont you think) well anyway so long

Tomorrow’s Penguin Times newspaper will be the 150th edition. I hope it’s something special.

Hey guy's Fever is gladly staying he has just comfimed on a post "
I received lots of evidence proving that these two emails were fake. Everything is now back to normal.
Update: I have confirmed these emails are fake. Cheats & Glitches are restored.
I got a pretty nasty email from Club Penguin (view here), and it basically asks me to delete all my Cheats & Glitches (over 100 I have accumulated over time) or my penguin, Fever, will be banned. So I got rid of them. So say a final farewell to all cheats and glitches! Good times. Also, I got a similar letter from WordPress. View here. Judging from the emails, they might really be CP and WordPress.

wow isnt that cool a fake! Well i hope that dosn't happen again!

Have a great day!

UPDATE:Go to the post below for party detail's


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