Monday, September 29, 2008

Halloween FUN!


Date:spooky date well near the SPOOKYIEST 10 october
Penguin name: Jokes I Tell
What server:Fjord
Where:Start at town AND THEN ANYWHERE ON CP

Wear spooky clothes if you have wear orange and all halloweenish colors :P HAVE FUN AND HAVE SPOOKY DAY :p

Katya181 Penguin of the week and new copy right :P

New copyright 08 no copy right 08 now!(C) this is a warning if you try it'll make your comp slow i tired it :)
& Penguin of the week is....
IT IS........ Former friend CRAZY MONKEY she is so BOLTED WITH JOY she explodes when she see's guys like luis U DONT KNOW HIM but shes has lots of interest like she is intrested in cp AND SHE IS JELIOUS OF ME! Trust me she said this a million times while sleeping with drool lol! well here she is IT'S KATYA!
Lol that wasn't supposed to be funny but it was something for her LOL she LAUGHED like she couldnt hold it THEN SHE BUSTED and had tears of joy lol, i wasn't but it's her problem not mine.Me and her talk to each other in real life!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cool new's about some one gay!!!!!!!!!

Here's some awsome new's ray is sooooooo *** LOL he/she i think its a girl cause she amagines her self doing it with a girl since we know  hes a less :P hehe did you see the rayissogay site :{ lol i sured did pen made it since he is so cusser! TRUST ME he has a big mouth AMAGINE HIM IN YOUR ROOM! Talking to him for one second


Warning:Ray is dangerous he swears to much becarful parent of 8 year olds  :P he is NEVER safe to be listening what he said =(

I'm sorry world im talking to him ahhhh!

10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, AHHHHHH! i CANT FEELT MYSELF OMG i cant touch I DONT FEEL I DONT FEEL AHHHHHHH! He's gonna be that MEAN I WOULD KICK HIS BUTT i told him many times there could be little children maybe your age 10 9 8 so on :I its not a good seen....I will take a picture of his CUSSING :) sorry ray
no sorry ray the GAY! :P

Me straw000 and Jasico partying! Alone :P

Hey guys. Most of you know straw000 turns out i am a friend of straw000 he's awsome and perfectly KIND in all his ways, Me,Straw000,Jasico partying in his iggy for only two minutes how sad.Well it was fun! If only everyone knew how awsome he was,things change for him BIG well BYEBYE
Jokes I Tell....,sweets of rocks!

Sticker303 QUIT but badly for a REALLY NOT GOOD THING!


Did you here sticker303 said he's quiting why? How did it come to this? I DONT UNDERSTAND?!?!??! but it's not ever to late and i'm right dont you think? Well i will be taking a chance to talk to him on msn it will work, together as a team to find a way to solve this problem cause i know sticker303 he is a great guy and hey he thinks i'm cool!


So what do you think YOU can do? Well then if you have idea's dont comment me! Comment the STICKER303 yes this famous penguin STICKER303
btw he dosn't acted like he's famous cause he is! It's a facted and he always was when i saw him on clubpenguin i just knew i knew!!! I just knew he was famous cause he looked so WELL kind he was a great guy THE FIRST TIME I LOOKED AT HIM i knew he'd be my friend and yes he was he did and well he already was but anyway!....please go to this link click it and help him STOP DOING SOMETHING HE WILL REGRET make him go back to blogging!

update:Oh oh...gosh her sister wow she and her friend adam said LIED!!!!! That sticker303 looks up porn! Oh gosh thats horible i understand completly wow WHAT this is so sad :( i cant believe it i finally read his whole post i understand how he feels :( i wish she gave up well thats the end now i guess theres nothing eles i can do for him but miss him :(

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Win it now! I just found out a part of the awsome sneak peak straw told me so i figured it was important to post, well CP is holding a sweepstakes where you can win 1 of 1000 limited edition Viking Penguins. The contest is from Oct. 3 to the 23rd. I wonder what will sweep up
Click here to see the button to win!
Plus Toys R US is selling cp plush toys at october 24th.Each toy will unlock magical lol jk :) as i was saying unlock codes to get online items sweet!

Fall fair cheats 08

Hey the fall fair is here, fille with FUN FUN FUN and they now make you use tickets so its more fun! When you have games it even funner :) Here are the two games u can say
so much money =) I found out cause it was ovious why billy bob put that for a sneak peak and it looked cool :)

Do you think this is the best party since?Have you missed it well i did i will be updating this plus i wanted to let you guys know all of you WELL A LOT OF YOU have been saying why dose jokes delete you guys i want others a chance to and i wanted to let yeahh know ok plz comment if ur ok with that if so and u dont want me to delete you i want INLESS U COMMENT me leting me knowMembers only :( i will ask mishmash if he minds  if i use his pic to use to show what it looks like :)  being updated


Hey great song,

see this it's totally awsome....I think you guys knows it plz dont listen to the end :( ok....ITS REALLY NOT WELL good :( ok? here i go....I maybe should make it cp style ok cp style it is :P this is for ray who talks about my mum doing it

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cheese i like cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese

wahh, i have a cold *achew* and the sneezels :( its bad to be me! When your me you get sick and high fevers :( i will drink soup AND YES DRINK SOUP *slirp* slirp Ugh tears in your eyes cause of the sickness thats a discraise.Kill me JK I'm not that bad i think im getting better you know...YOU ARE SOPPOSE TO GET BETTER right?
I will eat some ceral now MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH yummy. :) Yummy SNEEZE ugh that wasn't a good dont worry.I always GET BETTER....
yes i said ALWAYS be happy!
CHEESE i ate yes CHEESE yummy and CHEESY great delishes and healthy...I think cause of calsium :) be healthy i ate to grams of u eat cheese?I do...cause idk but my friend katya said...
Jokes:I hate cheese i like to talk about it NOT LIKE IT why are u comfusing me???
Katya:wait...i THOUGHT well i thought i was saying cheese? I hate cheese i like to talk about it NOT LIKE IT why are u comfusing me??? why did u even say that man? I am saying cheese cause u told me too!
Wow great story about cheese good luck cheesys penguins

Fall fair cheats 2008

The fall fair is here for only 10 days so have fun while it last it's all so fun i wasn't here last OF THE FALL FAIR but i'm here for this one i promise i will never miss a party EVER i will be sure to be updated by my friends if my computer gets busted you can be sure,That i'll be READY to get set AND TO POST since my friends have computers too! :)
(being updated)

I wont i dont want but im sorry emmi to bad languge

Im sorry emmi but i must tell i dont wanna be lied tricked yelled at but its really a sad moment first of all that isn't me U BLACK MAILER u knew it second of all cause emmi i wouldnt say that too u and she said she will hack me idk for sure she said it AS I SAID NOT SURE but here it goes
First of all she swear at me and said f*** me and second of all she said beach aka B**** not nice huh im nicer then her so i didnt show the words either well the proof not really
Sorry emmi dont swear at me ok?!?!? Or i'll post again :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New them,Suggestions on theme anything i should add?

Hey guy's,

I was woundering any suggestions on this theme i'd love to read your comments on it :) if you like it please let me know i might change it if you dont like it cause i really care! About what you think not what i think thank you for all your comments :)

Join the team COMMENT US NOW!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hey guys,

I have asked millions and now i think it's time to BURST OUT great news i would like to say that...I AM STARTING THE JOIN US CONCEPTED NOW! This is your ONCE IN A LIFE TIME chance to join the team of millions (well 5)so now join we will add to admin only 4 more YES FOR MORE! So please comment us now!

Reached goal aiming for nexted!

Hey guys GREAT NEW'S
I have reached my goal of famousness well up to 6 or 7 a day everyday for at least 12 hours :) my next goal is for my CHAT BOX so i was woundeing if you can advert my chat and if you do comment me and i'll make you on my blogroll :) and make you admin on my site or just go on my emailmeform :) thank you so much! NO SO SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH :)

Mission and new site NEW FEATURE on the site!

So follow me now i will be adding it i added it lol right now!!! So please follow me plus new mission sneak check it out...

Fall fair coming up friday plus new pin

The new fall fair is coming up Friday so that means more fun,entertainment and more posting isn't that cool plus new pin :D

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Some of you have been woundering THE NEXT PENGUIN STAR....

Here it is: It's my boyfriend matt so get ready i am not done with him i will soon let em know about that CANT WAIT btw i hate school and i have to finish my stupied h.w ugh i hate it soooooooooooo much :(

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Not on the chat today<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Ok there has been a huge problem on my chat since i saw about more then 20 people i guess it's time for the rules! Well here it is no swearing and please NO BAD NAMES we had a problem with that yesterday No asking to be mod plz! I will make everyone a mod (some) well most of everyone inless idk but yeah and heres our MOST IMPORTANT RULE! No no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo more then 3 to 4 Owners i will sooner or late change that but just for now ok?

I guess im almost done here but heres anthour

>>>>>>>Cussers<<<<<<< bad idea to cuss it's really annoying and a bunch as and they even told my (Secret) about a friend of mine but they deleted the POST :) thank god if they lefted it....I'D QUITE CP!!!!!! Inless it's to out of hand RED ALERT NOTE NO TELLING ANYONE!!!!! NOOO ONE INLESS I DESIDE TO! This chat is welcome to anyone who makes the choice and the choice is to respected the rules, want respected? Be respected i think that makes sence....LOL. Oh my lord did i forget ugh no SWEARING AT THE OWNERS NO NOOOOOOOOO NOT EVEN MODS SWEARING AT MODS Please reoport to me or email me a mediatly ALL MODS CODE ALERT email me for bugs or really MEAN PENGUINS looking for trouble btw permission to owners and mods to banned imuter rude NON respecting penguin for a lot of reasons. Mod's dont let them get away FAST do them with NO WARNING they at least must read this post to read rules for respected for our passengers and please no SPAMING or typing random words like udfhgufdhgifdughdufigudf and i like to sgudhfiugudifguhdhfdu u and i want to ejisofjosdijifsdiofdosijfdsosdi everyday

Note: might be a spam! WATCH OUT! No giving phone numbers i know, i know i gave my phone number (im really stupied sometimes) i fall i trip i regreat that person kept calling me and his sister kept swearing at me UGH!!! :( Please renember the post and remind others on this chat

By:Alison,Katya,Jokes,Dude2002 & Agents20039 Bb for now and as always ttfn aka Ta ta for now! :P

Friday, September 19, 2008

My friend and party info

Hi guys,

Me and my friend Katya here, Hey  guys i'ma great friend of Jokes and same with her i'd like to say a big HI!!!!!!!!!! To her site followers :) i hope to meet you on cp i just got an account  my account is katya181  hope to see you guys all there OKK!!! It's me jokes again hope to see you in my next party it's be fun heres party info


Place:Fjord,dock and anywhere on cp first meeting place is dock!
Time:6:00 clubpenguin standard time
Date: 7th saturday

Please come PEACE
Jokes I Tell

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cheatgnome penguin of the week

Hey there penguins,
I made this one for Cheatgnome. Not cause I'm penguin of the week on his blog, i chose this cause for once i know about a penguin for only a week, none not to long and i've learned a lot of him latly and i want to let you guys know.He is a fine friend a friendly one even! I must break this to you i when i first met em i thought of him not just a friend my BEST BEST friend a great one, Not for famous for being who he always is and what he always was and always will be is a kind person! I would like you all to know that :)
Update: This maybe only once for two reasons theres already a penguin of the week when the other penguin of the weak isn't finished because this will happen since he's my best friend other reason it's only the first week time is going fast!
WARNING: I am still working on the new main color for name and much more plus my new anamted pic thats gonna be on all the post it maybe take a week or so i believe by friday you will see that we are done it and i will let you know by an update the post will let you know
Please take care and always Waddle on btw what should i do? Should i say waddle around town or waddle and have FUN FUN FUN in a diffrent color what should i do please comment what you think or what you say thanks! And mostly importantly thanks for reading my post it will really make me and cheatgnome happy :) and you'll learn something new so thats why i did penguin of the week
Post by Jokes

Little i mean BIG contruction!!! Wanna know something i wont tell too much but what u maybe thought of gimme your ideas

No need to be sad it got as big is it can not bad! So listen up hear's a little sneak with a huge PEAK so you really wanna read this post for the start of the sneak peak pretty big one! :)) i wanted to be nice now! So here it is read it I HOPE I TYPE BIG ENOUGH or nice enough :)
So exited!!!!! Cant you wait i cant!!! YAY! CYA!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Penguin of the week

If it's to small please let me know so next time it wont be that small
That's the penguin of the week btw you can still comment now even if there is a penguin of the week

Tip: When you comment faster you will be mostly the one to pick since you should be reward since you commented before anyone eles

  i will be looking forward to your comment's anyway chow

Post by Jokes I Tell

Penguin of the week

If it's to small please let me know so next time it wont be that small
That's the penguin of the week btw you can still comment now even if there is a penguin of the week

Tip: When you comment faster you will be mostly the one to pick since you should be reward since you commented before anyone eles

  i will be looking forward to your comment's anyway chow

Post by Jokes I Tell

Jokes I Tell questions

Hey penguin's,

So here it is these are the rules for penguin of the week starting today, You must describe ur self and gimme a pic of you hmm a link to a picture something like that and i will post it as soon as i see it! so please comment posts anywhere near top! or just anywhere or even this post and i will pic from a cople of pll who evers first thats fair huh? Well then CYA!

Friday, September 12, 2008

LOL pic

Lol that look's funny hehe Ok now i got a little crazy about the famous thing i met a lot of my fans today :) good thing huh well this blog not really famous but i know what i'll do later to get it famous i cant tell you,you will soon find out just renember i have 4 famous sites with about 4,000 hit's about that number in between a little more then that on each site of mine tons of comments :) if you want to help me then please comment :) gains the facted of it well the factor of it hehe! Awsome pic huh? Lol It is thought so well i hope it is lol anyway-Waddle little penguins out there

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hey guy's what a great day to start with well here i go New stage awsome Black and White cool huh? To the side here is the new pin Awsome as i said it's a  I am not really sure but u can tell what is lol! Lol And in the new stage there's this ruby
Hey guy's what a great day to start with well here i go New stage awsome Black and White cool huh? To the side here is the new pin Awsome as i said it's a  I am not really sure but u can tell what is lol! Lol And in the new stage there's this ruby

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New new's paper And i joined ACP good team side not evil lolz

Hey i justed wanted to update the new new's paper well it's here and so awsome well its awsomer then ever!
Cooooolio It's awsome i must say...Guess what it is first
page yello ur right first page with a anthour awsome pic!
Ok pll now see pll at work i mean pengs at work mine my manner but anyway i joined a new team it's called ACP Lolz it totally rocks i use to be at the BB As in Black Bandit's but i quite it i am not sure why..I even joined Watex Worriors but it sucked too..ACP Rules clubpenguin it has been taken of Mam mouth And frozen RPF is a anthour sucky army against us and mua but BTW ACP is'nt all bad and evil some are... :( sad huh but anyway waddle on my little warriors did that sound wrong or what lol cya!
Wait...Ok here it is YAY the fair is back to town with more goodies and surprizes i of course know i hope so..that all of you guys have seen the play right? well if you didn't IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New things in cp new background and new's paper

Hi everybody,
Here's the post i was talking about now see there is a new stage i think it'll be pretty awsome! Hmm any guesses what it's gonna be, I really have no idea...well intill it happen's then yes i then got an idea!
See? Hmm you cant? If you cant i got the answer for it CLICK THE IMAGE
NOW this is the biggest pic you'll ever see mwa mwa mwa sorry not doing links or anything to enlarge it today.Ok joking not big pretty tiny but large enough it's on the side isn't it awsome I think it is...
Any way i'd like to remind you guy's of the sad post below it wasn't surcaism it was not happy day it was not a fake and Yes i was crying literally i will tell you something you may need in handy, When i am saying on a post like this for example (tears) or (crying) or saying without those things around it i am not joking not at all so please dont think that way if you want to get that  right...I dont want anyone to think the wrong way.In other new's i'd like to ask you guy's is clubpenguin repeating or is it just me?It's really wierd cause i am seeing same items a lot these day's and the same PARTY'S over and over again if that is true...Then i think clubpenguin will try to make fast idea's if  they want it to have party's fast then...thats a bad idea Here's a tip for CP if you cant think of something that's not the same party dont do it it's really a risk since people are Quiting cp cause of same party's same items same every thing but i wont. I was bored so i will say this i am going to school a lot of course :() and it's been really fun latly but i wont post that quick so i will do as quickee as i can BUT I PROMISE NOE JUST TO YOU MY SELF that i wont forget to post EVER on friday even if i am really tierd :) ok this post will ne edited in 15 min's for the late new's paper ok here's the new's paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok Here's the new New's paper now look here's whats gonna happen NEW Hair style's (already happen now)  New clothing catolog and new pin coming sept 12
Pretty prep's in style! what's your style mix and match!
Front page of new's paper! sorry for really late post sorda laisy but i promise i will do it fast and on time since it was fast and pretty easy!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Some thing sad (not about cp or quiting anything) something eles

Ok here it is...Here's a sad story...about me and it started off like this I was having a really famous blog (not this one) tons of hits!!! But then when i got about 600 post CPmac hacked me :( And i still continue he didn't delet it i am not admin no more he wanted me to suffer :( well i did a lot i cryed a lot! :( i just cant stand the tears!...Then i made a really cool blog it was really turning out to be famous then he hacked and Yes he got me off the site i am not admin this time he waited i got my site back cause of Redbluemast when he called the Window's Centre they took care of it but not well i got the site but....HE TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME THEN DELETED IT and more he hacked a Great Friend of mine a lovely friend of mine Manu07 and said that Hi everybody it's me and Mikkey Girl (ME) We will soon hack your site cya! It wasn't true at all :| it was a pure evil lie! And plus...He went on my account so it says mikkey girl made the post :( He hacks my friends and treatens me saying i am hacking your computer mwa mwa mwa! : ( why...But i made a WAY WAY WAYY! FAMOUS SITE Well worse That meany redbluemast took it away cause i told the truth that tony! said he was a nerd well he got pissed and block me forever!There is more cant tell u but i will tell other things now this girl i have know idea who she is says (explains i am hacking Mikkey Girl) Palm nCoCo said that he said aka (Cirus said he hates me too) EVERYONE THINKS IM A HACKER A BUNCH of other's dont think i am but others yeah i've been hacked so many times in the most pain ful feeling inside of me :( it was a shame to even ever look at my self to ever think i was a thing or a something! As other's think of me :( I Felt i should quite well I STILL CONTINUED the hackers just want me to quite cp :( i dont want to...I love all I DONT CARE if they hacked me it is just a feeling inside of me saying these things happen well never rarly ever rare!They hacked Mikkey Girl so i am stuck with Jokes I Tell but they even say there hacking my penguin Jokes I Tell but it's not hacked :) so pleaSe ALL OF U i am not a hacker but a helpless penguin looking for help! :( A crying penguin looking for help this is hard to ignore i just face the facted :( But i wont quite! I LOVE CP I CANT! Here's a edit i wanted to say! It maybe my sad one! well I wish everyone knew how sad i am not i made a poll it said some one hated me well i am not forcing pll to hate me! I want to let you know what's going on if you were woundering how said i am now redbluemast!!! HATES ME i just dont get it i just dont i dont want people to hate me i want a friend not a enemy I am trying best if you think i can ignore that's really hard! But this time if i do get hacked...well i will Continue till i reach my goal! to help other's continue there's i will stay as i am and not hate anyone and try best i dont care anymore if i get sweared at i dont care if i am believed in :( Cause i am not a lier! I pray for the right thing to happen to me i am not that ONLINE INTERNET NO BODY i am real not a bot i got feelings no one will understand what's have happen to me cause a lot i may not explain for the saftey of other's feeling's too! i dont want to embarrce anyone right now! i will do what ever i can to feel what i should feel it's happyiness (tears) well i will try all i can cause there is nothing right now left of me but to suport people that means you and me! And please comment i am really in a sad mood today! I want to feel happy cause i am helping other's here i dont want to CRY NOW i want to be happy like you! I dont want to play clubepgnuin when thinking of getting hacked btw i am making errors in spelling cause im crying into my key bord :( I must leave now

CYA :( DONT BE SAD FOR ME IF YOU LIKE ME AND MY BLOG DONT BE SAID! btw comment cause i'm really sad now AND THANKS mongosa i am not sure if i wrote that right! Sorry cya! :(

By Mikkey Girl

Sunday, September 7, 2008

This blog is under construction for a few weeks or day's not sure when this is over you will see big changes and more fun FuN fUn FUN!!

WARNING: You may enter this blog anytime anywhere's still under construction for a few day's if you like you may leave and come back! me and the admin's promise it will be 100Percent Glitter Graphics this is not gonna be forever or any thing this is a slight or little warning you may be wanted to know cause you may not know whats going on.But we will always tell you

Thing's that are done in our constrution (sorry we told you late)

  • First we are done...
  • The new Template! awsome huh? we'd like you comment's for what you think!
  • New side bar look (in still construction)
  • Added more FUN FUN FUN!
  • New admin's that are... FUN FUN FUN! here's the new admins (construction) Lady Maryann when acceptes invite
  • Alspeed
  • Greenoiscool
  • Dozy12
  • Me (Jokes I Tell
  • Chky ( more to come)
  • Blog roll in construction
  • new pa ges with cool buttons to go to places on blog (page in constrution and button)

way more to come later on but i dont wanna go to far now i got to much work to think of and well that's a problem but...i can fix it dont worry!

P.S cya soon! and renember comments comments comments includes more more more fun fun fun!

Waddle away to great news!

Jokes I Tell~

Under Construction Glitter Graphics

Yep bot's,problem,dumb,boring,MUST LEAVE yep they there now!

Yes, It's true bot's are here i took pic's i didn't take all first they said we are the walrus then they told us to press control R and then they said control a if you do so you will log off :( they are really cruel at the end they said to add them so you know where the go i thought they were helarious i was with my friends Singer Dasiy Darr and dembikova here's the few snap shot's
click to make large that's what they are doing lol to distroy cp now here's the real images
I put red boxes fr my friends (famous) Non normal
here it is the bad thing's there saying i cant stand it any longer! it must end here he's anthour pic of mine
if you cant read it, it says THEY MUST GET OUT OUT OUT OUT so on etc.and yes they not just that but hey listen here NOW! they may not stay! i added them so i can keep track of them they are dangerious! But really helairous!they were like mwa mwa mwa and like doing that sound thingy and they even said this is not a glitch and some buddy said bots press r and then the bots said okay then they left and came back! it was really funny LOL but bad!
OMG I WENT ON CP THIS TIME DIFFRENT SERVER RIGHT NOW WORSE CRAZY MY COMP FROZE IT WAS THIS TIME SOOOO COOL ICE BERG FULL THERE, THERE NOW THE SAID like evil straw berry and stuff really wierd bot's with now clubpenguin names like matere233 or some thing like that they werent the other ones so now i know there is diffrent kinds of bots not so easy huh...well worse now! bot's are attacking yay pic's i took yay they are having a war and sayingsuite it

Will it end?Is it already ending and who is the EVIL straw anyway?This all be a mystery till solved! and now i will take a stand I AM NOT GONNA WAIT ANY LONGER!!!!We will find this glitch program what ever and stop it from before  it continues idc if you dont want to care or care i will stand tall not sit i wil work hard to find it and when i do...!It must be taken as a secret intill reoported to the mods! to stop the program or at least have a lead to mod the Leader!

Saturday, September 6, 2008



Jokes I Tell: WOW that's much energy but me and her really are mad we've seen it on ton's of other site's and it's a little to rude and ah... mean so please all i am saying is please no more no noo more!
Hey guy's i didn't it was Lady Maryann's B-DAY! how exiting if you knew then good for you i sure didn't lol just joking i did know of course i'd never not visit Lady Maryann! But sorry SUPER LATE post! Here are some .... awsome links
Cp society lol great blog! lol again! hehe see them they like rock oh yeah and almost forgot about his blog it's awsome too! i will soon post about but this is the first maybe related post about thing's like this but there are gonna be more but this is first so yeah! please click on them LINKS! I will hopefully know all your clicks! and comment there site's as you do here

Club penguin secret (lol not secret anymore) Artour's are now Spoil pink and Greenoiscool and alspeed and....ChKly (short word) so i hope to see you all soon i will soon add some more cya!
Here is  what's for non member and member see the new player card's awsome huh i will get em too! If your new in clubpenguin the player card's cost 60 coin's NON AND MEMBER CAN BUY ONE (inless they got coins) it will tell more in the back!
Really kwl! Head's i will be seeing lol there is gonna be a number of people wearing nice hair stuff so i will just go on my member account's it'll make it easier for me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Dear Greenisocool

What? What are you talking about what if u are WWE ADAM! who hacked me but anywhy didn't i say... that idk about Wwe adam anyway and idc about Wwe Adam i dont need to like him Manu07 dont even like him either you must be thinking why would i either if he dosn't well that's maybe what  you thought but NO! sorry for the invoice XOXO  by the way vistor's on this this message soon will (maybe) be deleted! so read it while you can! by the way STOP acting like that you are like acting like him totally i just dont get it when we chat you are like totally diffrent and for sure you blocked me since i dont like Wwe Adam why do i have to?That isn't a real frien i am talking to now! if you didn't block me then well please unblock me cause if you did that is the most Sh*test reason to block some one :) but your still my boy i wont take it seriously cause i love yeah but i gtg now cya! and cya! to my bf well CYA ALL!

Greenoiscool: Mmmhmmm I didnt block you at all... I havent been on lately... I cant hack... I have mac macs are unhackable...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

hey guys i wanted to post that there is a new catolog i am so exited i want to post cheat's for it badly :D ALL THE WORD'S WITH DARK COLOR IS IMPORTANT SUGETTION i think the brown thingy is a hat (i think so...) here's tje pic it can enlarge if you click it if you want it close up i am not sure of the rest sadly i dont think there's gonna be wigs i hope! ok ok now look oh yeah!Here's some thing about the new DS game i think it's awsome i think i will get it this christmas i hope...Here's the vid compliment's by Mim o777 i think he made it since it was posted on his site it is

Anyway i wanted you guys to know about ME IN SCHOOL it's been hard latly i may be late on post but i promise Friday's are quickly posted FAST POSTS FRIDAY'S ALWAYS! Thank god that isn't gonna be a problem maybe if i am late when there's sooo much to be done but dont worry i wont quite cp i promise or my blog so no worry i hate when vistor's worry :D but you wont hopefully!But i want the post to be long so i will talk about my school just so u get a catch to my school or the story of a sweet taste of my life (this will be deleted only the part about LIFE) ok here it is i have ton's of friend's at school i will say that to make it clear for some of you hehe i have TON'S OF friend's at my school who like me and........BOY'S and a boy friend lol ok here it is i just gotten into my class witch is i am not sure gonna be a gr 6 & 7 class i am soooooo comfused with arangments but the dude's in my class (guys) are well CRAZY! lol i am so not saying guys are dumb,mean,stupied or anything lol guys are cool even if (SOME) are like that lol! I cant really explain but CRAZY explain's most and anthour will explain a lot in my school gr 6,7 can swear :) but the swear part :( not so well ok renember this will be deleted sooner or later (3 day's) cause of the not to personal thing (sorry it will be black and dark for this post since my computer is gonna restart for some reason)

I will be having a party so hope u come sept 7 fjord dock (Changed to anywhere in cp) but first dock!
CYA! :p

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

WARNING! post was deleted cause of some people thinking it was all a fake and it wasn't true MAYBE IT WASN'T i hope not i got to go work on my home work cya guys! Thanks for the compliment's greenoiscool i wont post it but... i might if he hack's me! Or any friend's of mine! ok GOT TO GO FAST sorry caps cya! :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

No one will know your on the roof but they'll still think are mostly cause your saying your of the roof

2.Go to town
3.Stand under the little brown box outside of the Gift shop
4.Use Internet Explorer to zoom. It should currently be set to 100%
5. Zoom into 700%
6.It should be all white
7.Scroll down just a little bit(you should see the night club roof)
8.Scroll over just a little bit(it should be split between Night Club roof and Plain White
9.Click the nightclub roof and quickly move your mouse to the white side of the split screen
10.Wait about 20 seconds…….
11.Zoom back to 100%
12.Now you’re on the roof of the Night Club!

lol like omg I WISH SHE JOINED CP like not the fake one but the real lol

Hey guys,
I will be putting music on the site i knosong w most of you have said that you like dont want to hear the same crappy music well i will be changing more often the music so you wont need to worry about that we will be doing 50 cent Mya Vanessa Hugens, Lil mama, Korn, Kanye west and much more first up is Vanessa Hugens
Song now avaible to be watched below

Heya Guys I will be doing helarious pic's so i forget what happen

Today i'd like to say that i live in Canada for some of you who didn't know that cause that was something i need to say to all of you and the widget on top is my flag tha Canadian flag! It may be intresting to some and for other's maybe just plain out wrong some of you may not like Canada nothing wrong with that is there "lol" anyway next helarious subject

ok there isn't much but i think it's better if i stick with the first post lol just joking but here's something this isn't a joke this isn't funny it is something i am so unhappy with cheat gone you know that so cool cheat that you can get 100000 coins well the clubpenguin team has gotten rid of it, it will show you a sign or text's witch ever to NOT LET YOU DO IT and you will loose 100000 coins sadly
Image here
Ok i will need a little money for the site if you mine to donate just a little not a lot as much as u can cause i really need it
Hey by the way i have a new page if you'd like to see it then look at the side bar scroll a little you will see a link but you'll need to copy paste cya!

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